My name is Sebastian Misch.
I am a software engineer and serial founder with 24+ years of experience in international projects, teams and brands.
My name is Sebastian Misch.
I am a software engineer and serial founder with 24+ years of experience in international projects, teams and brands.
Sebastian Misch, born 1977, living in North-Rine Westphalia
Father, Serial-Founder & Frontend-Enthusiast
Diploma in Artificial Intelligence, Computer Linguistics, Computer Science and Business Administration
24+ years experience in software development in international teams
Languages: Native-German, English-fluent with accent, some French, minor Italian, Spanish and Turkish skills
Contact: hellosebastian-misch de
ImmobilienScout24 is Germany's biggest portal where realtors, sellers, buyers and renters meet.
I contributed to build the "KäuferPLUS "-product which is a premium subscription product helping buyers to speed up the application- / financing process of buying real estate.
Technologies involved: Amazon Cloud, Cloudflare, SQS, S3, Infinity, DynamoDB, Postgres, MySQL, React, TypeScript, Node, Spring, Java, Kotlin, Storybook, Jest, React-Testing-Library, Enzyme, Playwright, Jenkins, Jira, Confluence, Figma, Slack.
Uhrwerk Berlin® is the sustainable watch brand with over 100.000 products sold, known by 4 out of 5 people within Germany aged 20-35.
Alongside managing the brand, company and team of up to 6 people I focussed on consumer experience by optimizing the Online-Shop (Shopify, Vercel, Digital Ocean, Mail-Chimp, Klaviyo, Facebook Pixel (Meta), Google Analytics, Pinterest Pixel, TikTok Pixel, Node, React, Next.js, Redis, GraphQL, PostGres, Liquid, Sass, CSS), Up-Selling, Cross-Selling, SEO, UX, Content-Creation (Pixelmator, Photoshop, Illustrator, Premiere Pro), Performance- and Retention-Marketing, Tech-Talks.
Starting 2014 as a community of highly skilled software engineers and architects we founded the Nerds of all Trades guild do-ing Open-Source and Tech-Talks.
In 2017 we founded an agency offering all kinds of IT services our members` experience had to offer. Main focus: E-Commerce and portals.
Actaport is the CRM for lawyers. Law-Suits, appointments, etc., all managed by a simple cloud software.
Stack: Angular 2+, Node, JavaScript, Electron, Microsoft Azure, Oracle
ImmobilienScout24 is Germany's biggest portal where realtors, sellers, buyers and renters meet.
I've built the payment gateway connection to Heidel-Pay for Master-Card, Visa & American Express.
I have done performance audits to the main landing pages and improved loading times by factor 400% (yet more potential).
Technologies involved: JavaScript, Java, Spring, Next.js, React, Amazon Cloud
The "E-Post Brief" is a digital product that sends/ scans/ encrypts and signs real-live letters E-Mail-style that are even accepted by banks and the goverment.
I have been responsible as Delivery Lead and Senior Engineer to manage an agile Scrum team of 12. As an exceptional team we have built and delivered the whole product within a real short time period.
Technologies involved: JavaScript, Angular, TeamCity, Selenium, BrowserStack, Cypress
nip.to get's your current GPS coordinates and creates a special link which you can share by E-Mail, SMS, WhatsApp etc. to others. Even if "the others" don't have the app installed they have a simple navigation interface which displays your direction via compass and estimated time of arrival - two-ways.
Technologies involved: Google FireBase, Cordova, JavaScript, CSS
boffR is a portal crawling for venued events in the Internet displaying them by category. 2.4 million subscribed users in three months in DACH before shutdown due to a legal issue.
Technologies involved: MongoDB, Postgres, Java, Groovy, Grails, Node, Express, JavaScript, CSS, Digital Ocean
With a team of more than 7.500 employees on 57 sites within the adesso Group, adesso is one of the leading IT service providers in the German-speaking area.
I have been working as a Consultant and Software Engineer in projects for companies like:
Technologies involved: Java, UML/ Innovator, Host, IBM DB2
Verizon Business is part of the Verizon group (former MCI WorldCom) providing communication products to businesses and governments.
I have been responsible for the billing-run and developing the online customer portal.
Technologies involved: SUN/ Solaris, LaTeX, Java, Fortran, SED/ AWK, Perl, Oracle, Apache TomCat
DIS is a IT solution agency with projects mostly within the telecommunications- and logistics sector.
Alongside my project work I was Lead Administrator and built the whole IT infrastucture from rack, emergency energy aggregates, all the cables, network, firewall, servers etc.
I have been involved in projects at following companies/ organisations:
Technologies involved: Oracle, SAP Db, MySQL, Java, JavaScript, Perl, Linux, FreeBSD, Apache TomCat
Creative Web Publishing was a two-people web design agency building web sites.
This was my second company worth noting. We have built websites and online-shops for local retailers, hospitals and even german Telekom... styled like it was en-vogue back then:
"This website is optimized for Netscape Navigator 3.0 and 800 x 600 pixels"
Yes. I was there 24+ years ago.
Technologies involved: HTML, JavaScript, IFrames were called "Layers" back then, Perl, OpenBSD, Linux, Apache.
I love E-Commerce and Portals.
Many of my "stupid visions" have become real companies, teams, brands, services and products.
Some of them failed (and I learned), some of them were just "breaking-even", some of them sky-rocketed.
Uhrwerk Berlin® is the sustainable watch brand with over 100.000 products sold, known by 3 out of 5 people within Germany aged 20-35 and a 5 Star rating on TrustPilot.
boffR is a portal crawling for venued events in the Internet displaying them categorized by artificial intelligence with 2.4 million subscribed users in DACH region.
"I am proud. We served all this traffic with a 5$ Digital Ocean shared server and crawled 24/ 7 with another 5$ instance."
nip.to get's your current GPS coordinates and creates a special link which you can share by E-Mail, SMS, WhatsApp etc. to others. Even if "the others" don't have the app installed they have a simple navigation interface which displays your direction via compass and estimated time of arrival - two-ways.
We reached ~20.000 monthly users before WhatsApp launched the "share live-location" feature.
Zen-Kid is a Social Network for parents. An artificial intelligence quickly learns in which "state of the process of parenting" you are in and serves related articles, advisory, posts and discussions.
Zen-Kid is still in Beta-Phase but reached already thousands of people just via SEO.
I love building quality-, scalable and maintainable products.
ChatGPT, google or watch me.
I am a proud father of a 3-year old boy.
Gained soft-skills: Motivation, De-escalation, I know Peppa Pig, I can name all characters of Paw Patrol and Octonauts, ... and I specialized in Dinosaurs.
Select your tier starting at €108/h.
24+ years experience * €4.5 = 24 * €4.5 = €108/ h time and material
Billed monthly
€113/ h
Billed monthly
€108/ h
Billed hourly on demand
€162/ h
Enterprise customer? Contact our sales team (me) for custom rates.
I have been working together with following clients:
Verizon Business
adesso AG
Westernacher Solutions/ Actaport
DIS Informationssysteme GmbH
My favourite tech stack is:
Drop a line to hellosebastian-misch de
Disclaimer: I will probably not answer recruiters that obviously have not read my profile, won't tell me the clients name nor budget.